Monday, February 21, 2011

Logo Challenge

Here is that special challenge thing!
Look at this image. It's the alphabet, but the letters are made out of logos. No I no absolutely no one looks at this blog, but try and guess what company each letter is from. I'll give you an example. In this image, the "j" is for jetblue. Comment with your guesses non-existent fans!


  1. Adobe, IBM, Coca-Coia, Disney, Internet Explorer, Fandango, Google, H&M, I - have no idea, jetblue, K-mart, Lakers, McDonalds, Nestle, O - can't think of it right now, playstation, Qualcomm, Radio Shack, Sony, Twitter, Unilever, Viacom, Wendy's Exxon, Yahoo!, and Verizon
